Thursday, October 28, 2010

who picked the colour of this shirt???????????

Today I went to pick up my race pack which contains my number, timing chip, some event info, lots of flyers and leaflets for all sorts of things, some free samples and my official Auckland half marathon shirt. As soon as I saw the shirt I just had one questions: Who the hell picked that colour? It's about the ugliest colour I can think of. In the past marathon shirts have been red (2009), purple (2008), royal blue (2007). Now, I'm not a fan of red either so I was kind of happy that colour was out. But this year's shirt is some weird mix between neon yellow and neon green. It kind of looks like the road safety clothing just a bit more greenish. Well, point is: It's really ugly! What is wrong with black, white, green, light blue, ...? Couldn't they have picked any of those colours? Oh, and just in case you don't believe me, here is what it looks like:

The good news is I don't have to wear this shirt. I'm gonna be wearing what I'm used to from my training because I know that works for me. But still, I would have liked to wear this shirt maybe to other occasions. And it's from Adidas, so it's good quality it would have made a good running shirt.

Haha, I'm just thinking, imagine all 7,000 people who are doing the full or half marathon on Sunday would actually be wearing this shirt! You could see us coming from the moon - even in the dark ;-)

OK, enough with the bitching now ;-)

Otherwise the last two days have been pretty busy at work which is kind of good cause it didn't leave much time to get nervous. I've done an easy workout at the gym this morning and will do some more stretching tonight and tomorrow. My knee is getting better, so hopefully that will be alright.

Picking up my race pack today was kind of cool. I walked in there and there were all these other runners and everyone was really friendly and smiling at each other and I just felt so weird being a part of this. I'm nervous, especially about me knee, but I'm also really looking forward to doing this.

So much for today, tomorrow I will post a bit more about the race and course.

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