Sunday, August 1, 2010

A change in routine

Today is the first day of my new 'running in the morning before work' routine.
Everyone knows I'm not exactly a morning person so in the past I have preferred to run in the evening after work. That has worked pretty well for me so far. However, there are two reason why I've decided to change that and go in the mornings instead. First of all, the actual half marathon starts at 7am - BTW, whose idea was that? Why does an event that only really takes 4-5 hours has to start so early in the morning? If you ask me, a 9am start would have been much better :)
Anyway, as running apparently is a early morning sport I need to prepare my body to do this level of exercising at that time of the day. So I might as well start now and get used to it.
The other reason is that my job involves a lot of contact with companies all over Asia Pacific and they are all 4-7 hours behind New Zealand. As a consequence I often have very busy afternoons and frequently late meeting and conference calls. I usually like going out for a run after I've spend all day at my desk staring at my computer, but when I get home at 8pm after a long day the motivation is pretty low. As it's now only 12 weeks till the half marathon, I think it's gonna be quite important that I train regularly and develop some sort of routine. So I decided I might as well get the training out of the way in the morning so that I don't have to worry about it anymore the rest of the day. Besides, I'm one of those lucky people that have quite flexible working hours, so now I'm starting a bit later which gives me enough time in the morning to go for a run and still have time for my much loved "1/2 hour coffee in bed" session every morning :-)
So that was the plan. Well thought through and with good arguments - as pretty much everything I do - and I was motivated to make it work. Until this morning that is, when I was rudely awoken by my alarm at 6.15am, it was raining like hell outside and it was so nice and warm in my bed. I almost decided that this was a really bad plan (I mean seriously what was I thinking. running at 6.30? Me, who usually doesn't even have enough energy in the morning to make breakfast? Me, who needs at least 3 'snooze' phases before I'm even half awake?). But then the determination won over the laziness and I got out of bed. And i had a good run. I was a bit slower than usual but I think that is just because I need some time to get used to be active at that time of the day. And the fact that it was raining like the end of the world is close was not exactly helping either. But I made it through and once back home I had a hot shower, made coffee and then went back to bed for half an hour. I was really proud of myself and happy that I didn't give in to the lazy part of me that just wanted to stay in bed this morning (-:

1 comment:

  1. Wow - deep respect!
    And i'm sure: YOU'LL DO IT!!!
    I keep my fingers crossed for you
    Love, Dad
