Today is Saturday = Long run day!
I just came back from a 12km run, the longest I've ever gone. Actually, I can't even remember ever having walked 12km let alone run parts of it. It took me about 100minutes which is alright. It feels really good now that I'm home, had a shower and am now having coffee in bed, but I have to admit it was pretty tough along the way. The first 6-7km were OK but then I really struggled for about 2-3km before it got a bit better again towards the end. Those tough 2-3km were pretty hilly which is probably one of the reasons why it was harder then the rest. But it's good to see that I can recover from a low during my runs. It was tough for a few km but I kept going and then it got better towards the end.
Nevertheless, thinking about the fact that this run today was just a little more then half a half marathon makes me panic a little. There is no way I would have been able to run another 9km today. But luckily I still have a few weeks till the half marathon, so hopefully by then I can do it.
Next week is recovery week which means I will 'only' run about 9-10km on Saturday, but the weekend after that is my first ever race - 14km.
Otherwise things have been pretty hectic this week and I haven't trained as much as I should. My sister is still staying with me and of course I want to spent as much time with her as possible. We went on a 4 day trip last week and will be going on another trip around the country today until Monday. Besides that work is very busy at the moment especially since I'm taking some days of to travel around with my sister. That just doesn't leave much time for running and the gym. But things should be getting better after this week and as long I manage to do my long runs on Saturday plus 1 short run during the week and 2 gym sessions I should be alright.
This whole half marathon thing is extremely important to me but I also have a lot of other things that are important and sometimes I need to priorities them. But as I said the week after next I will be back to my old schedule with 3 runs and 2 gym session.
I think you project is totally awesome and it is really cool that you now can do 12km :) I totally believe in you! GO ON!