Monday, February 21, 2011

Just a quick update

Ok, so it’s been a while since my last post (again). I really enjoy writing this blog, the problem is just that writing involved staring at a computer screen and that is what I’m doing about 90% of the time I’m at work which, right now, is the case about 50% of my waking hours. So I’m sure you understand that the rest of the time (when I’m not at work) I prefer doing something that does not involve a computer. Like training for a triathlon, for example. So it’s those rare moments like right now when work is slowing down that I have time to write something during work hours – don’t tell my boss :)

Anyway, let me just give you an overview of what I’ve been up to lately. To say that I’m training for a triathlon right now is actually a bit exaggerated. Yes, I’m walking, biking and swimming several times every week but it doesn’t really feel like ‘training’ at the moment. OK, maybe the swimming but biking and walking feel more like hobbies than serious training. 

Well, technically there is no running. My back if finally getting better and I don’t want to screw it up again right away. So I’m walking. I actually quite enjoy it. While running is very exhausting and sweaty etc. walking is much more relaxing. Especially after a long, busy day at the office I find it very relaxing to go for a walk. I’ll do that about twice a week at the moment. I might start running again in a few weeks but for now I’m good with just walking.

Another thing that is actually more relaxing that exercising right now. I go for a bike right about twice a week and really enjoy it. Usually I do about 8-10km. I just bought a new car on the weekend and it came with a bike rack so now I might actually take the bike out of the city sometime to go for a ride somewhere nice :)

This is where it gets a bit more serious. You might remember from my previous post that I was struggling to find the right swimming style. Well, I have now decided that I’m gonna do breast stroke. It might not be the fastest or most efficient way to do it but it’s what I’m comfortable with. I tried freestyle a couple of times but I have to concentrate a lot to get the coordination right and actually end up being slower than swimming breast stroke. On the other hand, breast stroke just comes natural and I enjoy it much more. Generally I really enjoy swimming. I usually go twice a week and already notice that I’m getting better. At the moment I do a few runs of 200meters with little break in between. I think altogether I do about 700-800 meters ‘serious’ swimming each time I’m at the pool. By the end of March I want to be able to do at least 600m in one go.

Well, that’s about where I am at this stage. Oh, and did I mention that I also do three gym (weights) session per week? So you can see I’m quite active at the moment. And I’m really enjoying it (except for the getting up at 6am three times a week part).
More to come soon ….


  1. Hallo Lisa,

    how nice to learn that you have started blogging again. We heard from your Dad yesterday. I had given up the hope to be able to catch a bit of your living over there after the final of your half marathon. Fine and I love reading it. Especially your posts about swimming. We will follow the further going in that point.
    By the way: I loved the yellow egg stuff you gave me for Christmas. I got it a bit late because I didn't meet Anke earlier. But I am sure this is why I noticed it in a special way and as I say, I (not me alone of course) liked it. There is no rest left, what a pity! But I do take the chance to say thank you very much.

    Now I am looking forward to reading about your new challenge again here.
    Love from your old auntie from Germany.

  2. Hi, I came across your site and wasn’t able to get an email address to contact you. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me back.


    Hailey William
