Monday, September 13, 2010

just a few more comments about Saturday's event

It's Monday evening and I'm still a bit sore from the run on Saturday. Funnily I feel it a lot when I'm walking but during my run this morning I actually felt alright.
I already posted an official report about the event on the weekend (my first running even ever) but there are a few more (not always completely serious) comments I would like to add:
  1. It's unbelievable how fast some people can WALK (and I really mean walk, not run). I mean, there I am running as fast as I can and this person just WALKS right past me!
  2. The mix of people at this event (and I imagine other run/walk event will be similar) was really interesting. All ages, sizes, attitudes and levels of fitness - VERY COOL!
  3. Running past the finish line to do another 7km loop was really tough - I can only imagine how those people that did 4 loops must have felt about that when they passed the finish line for the 3rd time.
  4. Feeling really tired, thinking the 10km sign has to show up any second now and then seeing the 9km sign just up ahead is very frustrating!
  5. The fluid dilemma: Whenever I drank something during the race I could feel the fluid swap around in my stomach afterwards. Kind of made me feel sick. But not drinking anything is not really an option either. Have to practice to drink slower and less at a time!
  6. Around km 11 (just after it started raining) I seriously doubted my own sanity - Why the hell am I doing this again?
  7. Around km 12 I thought it would be really cool if Artemon (my horse) where here. This would be so much more fun (easier and faster) if he would do the running.
  8. Around km 13 the iPod played 'Save me from Remy Zero' - Very fitting!
  9. Putting 6 flights of stairs between the finish line and my car is just mean!

1 comment:

  1. Great!
    I was sure you would do it. And for sure you'll manage the rest as well.
    Love, Dad
    P.S.: nice picture, Mum printed it out and shows it around :-)
